Friday, May 1, 2015

Laugh Out Loud Funny: Alienated by Melissa Landers

Just the Facts:

Overall Rating: 5 Stars
Addiction Level:  I ignored the hubby and puppies until I finished the book.
Believe-ability: It was believable.

I have been dying for a laugh-out-loud funny book. After reading the Dusk Gate Chronicles, I have also wanted to read happier stories. Alienated checks both these boxes.

Alienated is definitely one of the fastest books I have ever read while working. It took me 24 hours to complete it. I could not put it down. The story kept me involved, laughing, and intrigued.

It is hard to narrow down favorite, but these are my top two. It was hysterical seeing Cara attempt cooking food for Aelyx. She is a bad cook, and Aelyx hates everything that is not bland. She keeps tempting him and he groans with every attempt. My other favorite part is when Aelyx is playing Cara’s Puppy Love Game:
He glanced up with a pouty expression. “Something’s wrong with your game. My canine died again.”
“I haven’t played that since I was nine. Where’d you find it?”
“I don’t understand,” he said, ignoring her question.  “I fed the thing, allotted a reasonable amount of time for exercise, kept it well-hydrated. Why did it die?”
“Let me see.” She leaned over his arm to study the screen. “Oh. You didn’t give him any love.”
“Yeah. I don’t remember all the options, but you do little things to love your puppy…”
Cah-ra, that’s absurd.” He turned off the game and shoved it back in his pocket. “All canines, even the ones humans have domesticated, respond to an intricate social hierarchy, not affection. I asserted my status as the alpha male so the animal would know its place. Then I gave it everything it needed to survive. It shouldn’t have died.”
Keep reading to see how many puppies he killed and if any survived!

I am excited to see where the next two books (1.5) take us, but the ending is satisfactory enough that I can get back to work!

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