Sunday, February 17, 2013

A New Book Will Draw You In. Or Not. : Miss Fortune Cookie by Lauren Bjorkman

Just the facts:

Overall: 3 Stars

Addiction Level: I read it every waking moment.

Believe-ability: It was believable.


            I picked up a copy of Miss Fortune Cookie at the signing Ms. Bjorkman did at Alamosa Books on Friday. I have to admit the email Alamosa sent had me intrigued. This is definitely not the usual book on my TBR list, but I went for it. My book buying sense probably knew I needed and escape after my somewhat disastrous week at work. I really enjoyed Miss Fortune Cookie. I’ve not been in the mood for much reading lately and I’ve not been able to finish the couple of books on my currently reading list.

Miss Fortune Cookie is a bit of a high school drama, complete with college applications, boyfriends, and lots of homework. (Not something I usually revisit.) Miss Fortune Cookie is actually the online identity of Erin, who writes an advice column. Although not overly witty, there are some witty parts and I especially liked the fortunes at the beginning of each chapter and on Erin’s blog. My favorite character, however, is nine year old Lincoln. He is such an amusing boy who says it like it is. He is unquestionably the funniest kid ever.

My only quarrel with Miss Fortune Cookie is the obvious liberal view point. Although not too disruptive, you can definitely feel it in the book. I could do without.

If you need a quick, easy read, check out Miss Fortune Cookie. It just might be the story you need for a quick pick me up. 

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