Monday, February 25, 2013

Confessions, Confessions: Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey

Just the facts:

Overall: 3 Stars

Addiction Level: I ignored the hubby and puppies until I finished the book.

Believe-ability: It was believable. (In a fictional, this could never be true kinda way.)


Seeing as the title of this post is confession based, I’ll get right to the point.

Confession #1: I have been sucked into the black hole of girlie fiction recently. I know. It’s disturbing. And yet oddly relaxing. I suppose knowing that girlie fiction isn’t going to bend your mind or make you think too hard is part of the draw. Mindless reading. I can do that on occasion.

Confession #2: I may have suffered a minor book hang over because of this story. Yes, I stayed up to the wee morning hours, on a school night, to finish the book in one sitting. I realize that this may not have been the best idea the day before parent teacher conferences, but I was banking on a snow day. (Wish granted, by the way. Yipee!)

Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side is, I must admit, a teenage/vampire love story. Eek! Essentially, seventeen year old Jessica is confronted by her arranged-marriage-soon-to-be-husband vampire from Romania that she never knew existed. (Did that make sense?) Of course, Jessica immediately and defiantly resists this new realization by treating Lucius, the aforementioned, like a delusional freak. The school year progresses, and low and behold, the tables turn and Jessica evolves into the one pining after Lucius. Of course, things are never easy in a vampire relationship and Jessica must make Lucius admit to his love for her, else they start an all out vampire war.

Confession #3: As cookie cutter as this story is (and yet, isn’t), I liked it just the same. (Shocking, I know, but I am still a girl.) Sometimes, it’s nice to let go and just enjoy a story for what it is. It doesn’t have to be complicated. There doesn’t always have to be a rebellion and a lot of ass kicking. There doesn’t even have to have a really swoon worthy guy (Prince Brigan, anyone?). Occasionally, what makes a good book is that you enjoyed the time you spent reading it. And as silly as it might be, Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side did that for me. Go figure.

P.S. I finished Bitterblue last night. Expect a raving review soon!!!

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